The boostrap protocol is a tenant-specific set of URLs that allows a device to obtain the latest URL information for all the services on the infrastructure.
Bootstrap request
Bootstrap request structure
The following table depicts the bootstrap request structure.
Field | Required | Type | Description | Example Value(s) |
protocol | yes | Object | Metadata about the protocol that is being used. | N/A | | yes | String | A name key that identifies the protocol. | Bootstrap |
protocol.version | yes | String | The version of the protocol that is being used. | 4.0.0 |
protocol.type | yes | String | The type of the protocol. Possible values are:
tenantId | yes | String | The identifier of the tenant that this endpoint belongs to. | example_tenant |
deviceId | yes | String | The unique identifier for the device on the given tenant. | 1XKADP9X7CJ328889 |
sourceId | yes | String | The originating source of the request. | ENDPOINT |
sessionId | yes | String | A client-generated value that should uniquely identify a series of transactions that are related to each other. | 1220320-231ffw |
Bootstrap request URL
Bootstrap request example
Bootstrap response
The following tables describe the bootstrap response structure.
Bootstrap response header
The table below provides the fields required in the header of a bootstrap response.
Field | Required | Type | Description | Example Value(s) |
protocol | yes | Object | Metadata about the protocol that is being used. | N/A | | yes | String | A name key that identifies the protocol. | Bootstrap |
protocol.version | yes | String | The version of the protocol that is being used. | 4.0.0 |
protocol.type | yes | String | The type of the protocol. Possible values are:
tenantId | yes | String | The identifier of the tenant that this endpoint belongs to. | example_tenant |
deviceId | yes | String | The unique identifier for the device on the given tenant. | 1XKADP9X7CJ328889 |
sessionId | yes | String | A client-generated value that should uniquely identify a series of transactions that are related to each other. | 1220320-231ffw |
status.code | yes | String | A server-generated code that indicates the result of sending the request to the server. | 0 |
status.message | yes | String | A message that correlates to the status code and provides additional information about the code. | Success |
Bootstrap response body
The table below provides the fields required in the body of a bootstrap response.
Field | Required | Type | Description | Example Value(s) |
urls | yes | Array | An array of all URLs and their versions that the server supports. | N/A |
urls.protocol | yes | Object | Metadata about the protocol that is being used. | BOOTSTRAP |
urls.version | yes | String | The protocol version that the server supports. | 4.1.0 |
urls.url | yes | String | The URL for the protocol. | |
config | no | String | The base64 encoded configuration that the client should apply to itself. | eyAndGVuYW50SWQnIDogJ25ld3RlbmFudCcgfQ== |